I recently switched my site from WordPress to Hugo, a static site generator. I decided to leave WordPress for a few reasons: I don’t need many of its features, the security worries, and the slower page loads that come with it. While Hugo doesn’t provide a nice GUI CMS front end like WordPress, it fairly easy to navigate, and your pages and posts are written in Markdown and converted to a set of HTML pages and accompanying static files automatically.
So you’ve decided that you would like more storage for your Raspberry Pi. Perhaps you are using it as a NAS, a Plex server, or you have some large libraries you are using for programming, and your SD card just doesn’t the space. Luckily you have a spare USB thumb drive or hard drive lying around. You plug it in…wait for it…huh…Read on to learn how to get your USB drive to automount everytime your Pi boots.
I recently covered how to change the static motd in Raspbian Jessie. If you are interested or want some background for this article, you can read about that here. This post will cover how to setup a dynamic motd in Rapsbian (and therefore Debian) Jessie to give users up to date, relevant information about the system upon login.